
Behind the Scenes

There are lots of ways to get involved with theatre and it’s not just onstage! Whether it’s serving behind the scenes before and after the show or assisting patrons in guest services, it takes a lot of people to make performances not just happen, but to make them an all-around excellent experience!

Set Construction & Painting
All of our sets are specifically designed and built for each individual show. Volunteers who enjoy building and painting can help in lots of ways leading up to the show!

Stage Crew
Assist our cast and crew behind the scenes making the show run as smoothly as possible during each performance and rehearsal with our stage crew.

Theatre Setup
Help prepare the venue for the performances such as setting up chairs, tables, additional decor if needed, etc. The Setup Crew prepares the space to be inviting and comfortable for our guests.

Cleanup & Reset
Between shows, help prepare the venue for the next performance such as straightening the seating, tidying the room, and making it a clean slate for guests at the next showing.

Set Strike & Teardown
After the final performance, clean and reset the room for the next event. With our performances located in different venues in the community, we want to leave the space better than when we arrived. Whether it’s tearing down guest service areas or clearing the performance space and stage, there are lots of ways to help!

Guest Services

Greeters form our guests’ first impression of their experience with us, and give them a welcoming assistance with guiding them to their next location whether it’s the Box Office or to the performance space.

This team assists guests with checking their tickets and finding their seats for each performance.